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E-commerce Maintenance

A virtual business that operates 24/7, offering unparalleled conditions that allow you to analyze and stay ahead of the competition, reduce operational costs, eliminate geographical limitations, and is very easy to manage. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it?

But let’s imagine we’re strolling through a shopping center, and suddenly we enter a store where the products are poorly displayed, chaos reigns, even the walls are peeling, and the floor is dirty. If we had any confidence in that brand before entering the store, we would surely lose it completely and run out of there. Within the shopping center, there are many similar stores in better condition, so why buy there?

The same thing happens with online stores. Websites require maintenance to function properly; otherwise, customers may encounter obstacles in their shopping experience, resulting in losses for your business and damage to your brand image. However, many companies do not take these factors into account and, consequently, do not invest in the maintenance of their website. Today, we will review the four main reasons to invest in monthly maintenance.

  1. Security

A comprehensive maintenance plan includes periodic analyses to prevent or detect potential security threats to your website. Through such interventions, attackers may attempt to obtain payment information from your customers. Various threats, such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, involve overloading a server with requests to render it non-functional, preventing genuine users from accessing the site. Therefore, to prevent these issues, it is crucial to keep the website updated with the latest security features. Additionally, regular backup copies of your information are essential. In the event of a severe failure, having a backup allows you to quickly restore your online store.

  • Statistics and Optimization

There are useful tools for decision-making that collect and store information about visitors. For example, insights into your most-viewed products, the segmentation of your potential customers, where they access your website from, and numerous other indicators. This is crucial for enabling you to develop marketing strategies and significantly increase your sales.

“Having an online store is like having a branch available for your customers at the time they prefer. So, would you leave your physical store unattended?”

Laura López Bukova – Data Scientist

  • Speed and Updates

Maintenance services include the analysis and optimization of the display and speed of your site on mobile devices. This is crucial considering the frequency with which users access sites via mobile phones compared to desktop computers. By ensuring continuous content updates and the addition of new features, we can keep the page in line with technological advancements. This results in improved search engine rankings and increased sales.

  • Inquiries and Support

Having someone to call in the event of specific queries related to your online business (uploading new products, changing texts, questions about the internal use of orders, etc.) is crucial. Additionally, common connectivity issues, information corrections, and other matters that enhance the quality of your brand are addressed. It is of paramount importance to have a technical team familiar with your website, ensuring swift and efficient issue resolution, even if a complete reinstallation is necessary.


A maintenance service saves you money, as hiring a solution when a problem arises incurs higher costs, and, on the other hand, you will already be dealing with several dissatisfied customers – an effect that will decrease your sales. Moreover, your website will appear professional, providing unmatched confidence to potential customers seeking your products. Let’s go back to the example of the physical store: if upon entering the store, we see a nice decoration, well-organized products, and a clean floor, we are undoubtedly more tempted to make a purchase.

At Avra, we offer a cost-effective monthly service to maintain your e-commerce website. We take care of preventive maintenance to ensure that your online branch is always operating in optimal conditions. We safeguard your sales, your customers, and add more value to your brand.


Launching an App

In previous posts, we explained how to conceptualize an app, its design process, and development. Now it’s time to release and promote it. This step is crucial for the success of your idea or project, but keep in mind that before publishing it on various app stores, we should have tested its proper functionality, security, stability, and speed performance. This ensures that we can prevent carrying over any usability or design errors.

Publishing an app on an Apple or Android store is easy! You can find many helpful blogs on how to do it. After the app is published, it undergoes an approval process. This is to ensure that our app meets the requirements of each operating system (Android or iOS), including security and other details. This process takes time, which we should consider if we have a deadline. It’s also important to note that both Google Play and the App Store have associated costs. The former is around USD 25 as a one-time fee, while the latter costs USD 99 for an annual subscription period.

In the publication process, it’s essential to have all the images and content requested. For instance: the app icon in various sizes and resolutions, app description, version details, promotional images (banners) showcasing the application with screenshots (this allows users to get a more realistic idea of the app before downloading), and videos demonstrating its functionality if we aim to capture more user attention. Once the app is approved, in both stores or in either of them, the second phase begins: Promotion or Outreach, meaning, making the launch of our app known to all potential users.

The way to do this is, on one hand, by creating a website or landing page that allows for user acquisition through Google searches. On this page, it’s essential to address some initial questions that potential users may have: What does the application do? Is it free? Which phones is it available for? Functionalities, features, etc. The graphics and messaging used should help dispel these doubts as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, it is advisable to invest in marketing campaigns, internet ads (Google Ads, Facebook Ads), in order to reach the widest audience possible. These campaigns should be planned with the target audience in mind. Now, what is the next step after launching and publishing the app, once it is already known to our users?

Our application should be in a constant improvement process. No one is better suited than users who have already downloaded the application to unintentionally put it to the test. Reports of functional issues, feedback on design or usability, among other things, can be found within user comments. Therefore, monitoring these comments is a valuable tool for continuously enhancing the app. This way, we will always have an app that meets the demands of the end user. In other words, we will have an app that sets us apart from the competition.

You can rely on us to design and develop your Mobile Application! Our proposals will help you grow your business and enhance your brand visibility.


Wireframe: The Initial Concept

A wireframe is a simple representation of a screen. With this outline, we can get an initial idea of how the different elements that make up a screen (text, icons, images) will be positioned, similar to how we would ask an architect to create a blueprint for our house.

A wireframe is drawn with simple lines and in the same color, allowing a focus on the structural aspects of a screen. In this way, we can evaluate different navigation alternatives and interactions between pages. Moreover, it serves to convey abstract ideas of what is intended to be captured on a screen, enabling others to concentrate on functionality rather than aesthetics when analyzing them.

It also serves as an excellent tool for detecting interaction and usability issues, as we can use these linear designs to conduct tests with real people. The advantage of creating a wireframe early on is that it allows us to save on costs and time. This is because we thoroughly evaluate aspects related to navigation and interaction, whether for a website or an app. Subsequently, when transitioning to the design phase, we can work on well-defined structures.

While there’s nothing better than sketching a wireframe by hand, numerous programs easily replace pen and paper. These programs offer a wide variety of UI kits for Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows (not to mention those available on platforms like Dribbble or Behance), among other elements. Some of the most well-known programs include Balsamiq, Omnigraffle, and Axure, as well as cloud-based options like InVision.

What is the best way to design a wireframe? This largely depends on each designer, as some excel at freehand sketching, while others feel more comfortable with templates and programs like those mentioned earlier. However, we recommend that before starting a web or app design project, you create a small wireframe to facilitate seamless work without distractions.

We can assist you in creating the wireframe for your project! Get in touch with us so that we can provide guidance.


4 Steps to a Good UX

User Experience, commonly known as UX, is the meaningful interaction users have with your business: a website, a mobile application, or even the services you provide. This can be quite complex as each space has its own logic, but the premise is simple: focus on the user, regardless of the medium.

“The goal of a good UX is to help users do what they want to do when they interact with your business.”

To analyze UX, it’s not only about considering the information provided or how it is communicated but, more importantly, understanding how the experience makes users feel: are they confused? Do they feel rushed? Are we providing warmth in our service? If we keep these questions in mind, the UX we generate will be geared towards pleasing people. And if they feel good, it’s obviously more likely that they will increase their interaction with your business. Let’s explore the steps to achieve this goal.

1st Step: Take Action

Put yourself in the shoes of a potential user. What actions are they looking to perform on your website or app? Some answers may include searching for information, watching videos, commenting, rating, searching for products, making a purchase, etc. Document all these actions and organize them into a user flow (using post-it notes can be a useful resource). Keep in mind that each action should not take more than 5 steps to complete.

2nd Step: Infuse Emotions

Once we have the user flow, we need to assign one or more colors to each user step to identify the desired emotion at each stage. You may want the user to experience curiosity, happiness, satisfaction, support, etc. Through resources such as content types, colors, shapes, sounds, and others, we can evoke the emotions we are aiming for. However, it’s crucial to have these emotions well-defined from the start.

3rd Step: Wireframing

Now we can start wireframing each element, knowing what we aim to achieve. Before using computer tools, it’s often better to use a whiteboard or a notebook. It’s essential to conceptually reflect everything you thought about in the first and second steps of the analysis. Focus on defining the main characteristics that will help achieve the objective, rather than the aesthetic aspect of the elements.

4th Step: Test Everything

After the work is done, how do we know if we achieved a good UX? The answer is through various tests and necessary modifications. If you have a budget for research studies with your target audience, you can gather feedback before implementing the planned changes. There are also more affordable consultations that use Google tools for A/B Testing, where two UX options are tested to see which yields better results.

Choose a digital transformation that will make a difference! You can get in touch with us, and we’ll advise you on the UX of your business.


The Design and Development Process of an App

The design and development process spans from the conception of the idea to its subsequent publication in stores and an analysis of usage results. Throughout the entire process, designers and developers work together in an organized manner to meet the objectives of each stage.

These stages can be divided into: Conceptualization, Definition, Design, Development, and Publication. The design and development stages reflect the greatest effort and interaction between designers and developers. Therefore, perfect communication and synchronization in the role of each participant in the process are essential.


During this stage, the ideation process takes place, marking the instance in which the application begins to take form. A market research effort is essential to understand the needs and issues of users. Following this research, a concept viability check is conducted. This ensures that we can confidently approach the rest of the project.


Here, we will define two crucial points: User Definition and Application Functionality Definition. We will provide detailed descriptions of each definition to determine the project’s scope, the complexity of the design, establish timelines, and plan for subsequent development.


During the creative process, the design stage is the most time-intensive, as it, along with development, constitutes the most crucial moments in this journey. Therefore, we break it down into the following sub-stages: Wireframes, Prototype, Testing, and Visual Design.

We’ll translate concepts and definitions into a tangible form, starting with wireframes and then creating prototypes for user testing. Finally, we’ll apply the visual styles.


Here, we work on two fronts: programming the application’s code and subsequently addressing any bugs (errors) that may arise after testing the application. The developer is responsible for bringing the designs to life by creating the structure that supports the application’s functionality. Errors will be corrected—some at the definition or design level, and others functional—reaching a publication stage with a properly functioning application.


The key moment! The app is released on official stores for download based on your smartphone’s operating system version. Additionally, crucial stages for the project’s evolution begin: tracking and updating.

Tracking allows us to understand, through statistics and user feedback, how the app performs, its behavior, and its overall performance. These user-provided data enable us to plan future updates, whether to address errors or make functional improvements.


As you can see, developing an app is a highly motivating challenge. If these stages are considered and the objectives of each are met, we can create an app that provides real solutions for its users.

At Avra, we strive to exceed expectations. We believe in the power of innovation and usability to drive the success of your application. We invite you to share your idea with us!